Welcome to iMpAcTz Tax Pro Academy!
Becoming a Tax Professional is only the first step!
SHE iMpAcTz Solutions has developed an opportunity ladder that will guide you through the process of opening a tax office and being your Own Boss!
We provide tax preparers guidance, coaching, and consultation on how to thrive in the tax profession.
Launch Your Tax Preparation Career!
The first step to the secure career you've always wanted may be to become a tax preparer. Improve your abilities and positively impact others' lives. Neither a college degree nor experience is necessary.
Tax preparation is a service that will likely never go out of business. Considering how complicated the US tax law is and how many modifications there have been in the last few years. Taxpayers will always be eager to foot the bill for this annual tradition. In actuality, an increasing percentage of taxpayers—more than half—consult a professional.
Launch a new career right now! With our incredibly successful online tax preparation course, you can become a tax preparer in as little as four to six weeks.
What Knowledge Are You Going to Gain?
How to identify and explain tax rules and regulations that affect both people and independent contractors.
How to correctly utilize them while preparing tax forms.
How to compute gross income and determine which types of revenue are included and subtracted in this computation.
How to recognize typical itemized deductions, such as those for charity contributions and medical costs.
How to compute deductible costs and identify and quantify tax losses.
How to correctly prepare a basic Form 1040 Individual Tax Return with typical itemized deductions for a family; how to apply capital gains and losses to property transactions.